InventiX TrackIT

Did you know that almost 50% of operating personnel time is spent on tracking completion, material, and manpower.

The Challenge

Even as production managers spend considerable time on these items, every production unit face three major problems:

  1. Increasing WIP inventory
  2. Discrepancies in fixed rate of throughput
  3. Unmanageable rate of rework and rejections

The reason behind the lack of accuracy often includes the inefficient process of production distribution across lines that reduces the rate of throughput thus increasing inventory that is work-in-progress. Without data to understand each worker’s performance level, the rate of rejections also increases over time.

Thus, managers do not have the entire picture of the production floor to create a productive plan for execution due to the following reasons.

  • Lack of visibility of actual outputs or cycle time
  • Work assigned solely on availability of capacity without target consideration.
  • Measuring rejections with parameters other than lost time, capacity, or output
  • Failure to optimise productivity.

Product Overview

Production and Operations Monitoring System, TrackIT, was engineered to resolve time management and stop-gaps in the production line. A robust application offered by Peritus, TrackIT transforms the approach to line balancing based entirely on production target and workers’ performance. Controlling all aspects of product flow from capacity monitoring to capacity utilisation, TrackIT is a single dashboard that reduces personnel time and effort by 50% with real-time visibility at both managerial and operational levels. The system conveniently allows line managers to handle multiple orders across several lines of production and easily lets managers to plan each line to the fullest capacity.